At Kids World Gilston our philosophy reflects the partnership between parents and staff providing a safe caring environment incorporating many varied learning opportunities for the children in our centre.

We believe that childhood is a time of enjoyment, wonder and learning. Through their play, children make discoveries, construct knowledge and express themselves providing the foundations of learning for the future. Our play based curriculum provides a dynamic environment, which encourages exploration, enquiries and creativity and gives children the time and opportunity to have influence over their learning.

We incorporate the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) which creates healthy relationships for all. NHA builds inner wealth through an emotional set of strategies based in 3 Stands. These 3 Stands provide the platform for authentic connections with children which we believe is the most important aspect of care.

We see each child as an individual and draw upon aspects of home life to cater for varying needs.

Staff use a holistic approach to care for children and communicate with each other honestly and openly and likewise with parents and children.

We provide an environment which is safe, supportive and caring, where the children form secure attachments with caregivers. This facilitates the development of positive self esteem where children learn to value their own and each others strengths and interests. We feel that if a child is confident and has a healthy inner wealth they are more likely to participate in all activities provided and are able to reach their full potential as individuals.

We provide children with natural places and spaces to play in, spaces that provide opportunities to care for animals, observe nature and wildlife and spaces that have natural elements such as trees, grass, dirt, rocks. Offering an outdoor environment that includes uneven ground, climbing up slides, trees to climb, rock hopping, creek beds to explore provides acceptable risks which builds confidence, resilience, fine & gross motor skills and in turn builds Neural pathways which leads to healthier, happy children. Children need significant play in an outdoor environment as this has numerous health benefits and provides children with real, direct hands on opportunities that are experiential, meaningful and worthwhile.

At Kids World Gilston we encourage parent participation. We like to draw on everyone’s knowledge, skills and interests thus enriching and extending the existing program.

The following statements summarise the culture we endeavour to build on within our centre:

For Children

  • To build a trusting relationship with each child in our care
  • To create an environment that will entice, excite and challenge, thus assisting children to reach their full potential.
  • To plan and observe all children in various ways
  • To treat children as individuals
  • To value each child’s personal background (cultural, economic, moral)
  • To provide the highest standards in accordance with the duty of care statement produced by The Young Peoples Commission.
  • To further develop each child’s strengths and interests through intentional teaching and child initiated learning

For Parents and Community

  • For staff to communicate effectively to exchange information about each child and the centre as a whole
  • For staff to encourage parent and community participation and involvement within the centre
  • For staff to be attentive and thorough in the orientation process of children and families
  • To commit ourselves to ongoing education for all parents, on the value of play and on the specific skills learnt in each area of curriculum.
  • To never make parents feel guilty for leaving their child at the centre and staff will always be sympathetic to their feelings
  • For educators to celebrate and support all cultures including our indigenous heritage and to create an awareness of these cultures in the wider community

For Staff

  • For management to offer support and encouragement
  • For staff members to respect each other
  • For management to have, and adhere to an open door policy
  • For staff to be appropriate role models at all times
  • For staff to maintain dedication and commitment to providing the best possible care to children


Kids World Gilston is now accepting enrolments for 2025